So we are all in the car, heading to the big city, gifts all wrapped, drive thru burgers being munched when "K" says...hey I lost my tooth! Being the scrapbooking Mom I am...I had my trusty G7 camera with me and snapped away.
We were off to visit a girlfriend who has just brought home her twin baby girls. They were acutally born in June but being so preemie, they had to stay in the hospital until about 10 days ago. Darling babes that is for sure. They are getting bigger and currently weigh about 6lbs, 9oz. I kept thinking that the Love Cat is this weight!
While I hold one of these precious twins in my arms, I think......Ahh..those days so long ago for me. I was remembering back to the powdery fresh smell of my babies, snuggling content little ones, so peaceful and happy and then I gave my head a shake! Yikes, those 3 am feedings, what seemed like contstant diaper changes, more feeding, crying cranky moments.
Oh....but it was all worth it! I hand the twin babe back to her Mom and I steal a peek at my baby now 5 1/2 itching for Grade 1 to start, now one less front tooth, faux blue vest in all looking so grown up!
Soon she'll be singing the front teeth for Christmas song. I can hear it now!!!!