Yep..the ball has dropped and the season is on. Both of my kiddies are playing this year and it is "K's" first year ever, so needless to say she was very excited when she got her jersey. We had soccer both days this weekend plus team photos for each. Busy busy. The boys play on Saturdays. We travelled to Maple Ridge for "B's" game. They did not win but heck it was their first game as a team and they are still "gelling" together! We lucked out with the weather as it was to rain both days.
"B's" legs were bothering him again. I have made an appointment with a phsyiotherapist to get him checked out. So we will see what it up there. He has a great coach and his teammates seem really neat. He is enjoying it again after a year off.

"K's" game was today. The girls play on Sundays and was at 10:00am. She was a little nervous but held up great. She is going to be a great player, I can feel it. She just has to figure out how to run and kick the ball at the same time. She has 6 other girls on her team and at this age 5, they play 3 from each team at a time. So they all don't get worn out I suppose. She loved the half-time...you get a snack!

She did really great and scored a goal. At first ref called it foul but they ended up letting it go, so we take that at a goal. She was excited but more disappointed they did not win. Gonna have to work on that. I kept telling her that it is about having fun but she is stuck on the "win" thing.