Monday, November 24, 2008

The Love Cat

Time for some photos of the Love Cat. Look at our baby.... isn't she just perfect?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The New Do's

Both kids have had "clean ups". They were long over due at the hairdresser oops, pardon me... barber too. Here are the results!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A little hello

All is good - I am just tired. Work is catching up with me I guess. Get more sleep is what I am telling myself - yep I should.

I had someone at work tell me that they have put up the Christmas Tree. Yep..lights and all. she has two little ones and all I can think won't do that next year. Those kids will drive you nuts asking when the big day is! The vacation time is approaching...I can feel it. I need it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Update

Here are some photos of the day. I won 3rd place in our Halloween Costume Contest at work. Seems I suit the Rocker Chick look. Hey..I 'll take the prize - a gift card to White Spot. Kaylin loves it there so she was thrilled! Me on the other hand got tired of people telling me that I should keep this look and get my hair done like that permanently...ummm NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is a photo of me and some work friends all gussied up! And..yes the old Mr. Lube mascot from days gone by.
The rain held off and the kids got to get out and trick or treat with there very bestest buds so needless to say they were happy. All in all a good night!