Sunday, December 20, 2009
Well the big day is tomorrow....actually at 11:ooam. Hopefully I won't have to wait to long, though I will pack a book just in case.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Been a while...but here is a quick look at the last couple of months
Back is much better....hit rock bottom while away in Toronto and it has progressively been getting better. Finally had a CT scan which revealed a bulging disk apparently a fairly big size. So that being said, I am off to a Neurosurgeon on the December 21 so see what he thinks is my next step. I am just so happy to be somewhat pain free, however the numbness in my heel and toes does not help and causes the silly limp I have adopted. Oh well...we will see soon enough. We googled this neuorsurgeon at work and he gets really wonderful reviews. Sounds like a regular McDreamy. Now we can only hope he is and single! :-)

The kids soccer games have been limited due to the weather but we have managed a few games.
Kaylin's brithday party was last weekend and we had Mike's Critters come in and then she had a sleepover. All went well and she had a great time. Hard to believe that my girl is going to be 8 on Saturday. 
Got a promotion at a Manager of much more responsibility and work...ugh...will I ever get it all done?
Took the kids to the Santa Train - always fun. Boy was it cold! The lights were great and it was a fun time. 
Yesterday was Kaylin's christmas concert at school. I tried to post a video but it did not work out. Oh well, she and her class did great.
Today we had a Gingerbread contest at work (yes, I do work I swear!) I teamed up with a member of our HR group and I am posting a photo. Came in 4th! It was fun and there was lots of participants.
Was off to the Canuck game tonight..courtesty of my employer. We have great season tickets and it is always a treat getting to go. Could not afford it otherwise. This time Brayden and I went and my co-worker and her son. They are pretty much the same age and always enjoying getting together. It was a good game even though the Canucks lost.
Poppy remains perfect always.
Enjoy the photos!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Things are good. Hetic right now but okay. The back is still pretty much the same, however the new pain and nerve meds are helping. I have had two great days in a row so I am crossing the fingers.
Getting ready for Scrapbooking Camp!!! Can't wait. Really looking forward to getting away and gettign creative for a while. Just finished Kaylin's goodies to give out to the class. I am quite pleased as how they turned out. Quick and simple is my motto right now!
I am home on Sunday afternoon and then head out to Toronto for 5 days. For work and a couple of vacation days. I am really looking forward to the vacation days. I need the break to hopefully de-stress.
That is my update! Will post pictures upon my return.
Getting ready for Scrapbooking Camp!!! Can't wait. Really looking forward to getting away and gettign creative for a while. Just finished Kaylin's goodies to give out to the class. I am quite pleased as how they turned out. Quick and simple is my motto right now!
I am home on Sunday afternoon and then head out to Toronto for 5 days. For work and a couple of vacation days. I am really looking forward to the vacation days. I need the break to hopefully de-stress.
That is my update! Will post pictures upon my return.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The latest.
It has been quite a week and it is only Thursday night. I realized something thru this whole back problem that when you are in pain, it can just take over. I mean really take over. Everything! Patience? Forget about that...that just doesn't exist.
So, after I went to my physio on Monday she wrote me a note to explain to the doctor that some nerve meds might help calm down my poor leg. Go to the walk in clinic she tells me and give the my note. Seemed easy enough. Dropped my little one at school and arrive promptly at the opening of the clinic. Well I guess I was not prompt enought becuase I have about 6 people ahead of me. Did I mention yet that I have been going to this clinic for at least 13 years.? I am still waiting for them to paint it, and change the magazines in the waiting room etc and I am not sure if the fish tank has ever been cleaned.
In our world of the H1N1 crisis, do you think there was hand sanitizer anywhere to be seen? Nope NOTHING! It wasn't even in the patients room. I tell ya, I was getting grossed out by the minute. I refused to sit. I figure if I wasn't sick then, I was gonna get something after visiting this place. Did I mention that i am now sniffling??? Oh well, back to the visit. I wait 55mins to be seen and finally see the Doctor. Again, keep in mind, I have been coming to him for 13 years. So I told him my tale of woe and you think I was an addict asking for a fix. He did not even have the decency to read my note from my phsyio yet instead lectured me that they are trying to mask the problem with pills. can imagine what I am thinking as he goes off on this little tirade. I am now thinking how I have wasted all this time, in this gross environment. He writes me a prescription for T3's. I tell that I am tired of being in pain and the tears start arrive. I don't want a prescription for those (heck I already have them at home) so I take my note and hit the door. Walked out...and not looking back. I will not step foot in that place again and neither will my children.
So.. to continue on, I went to my GP this afternoon and got the nerve medicince and a different type of pain killer. A CT scan has been ordered and I am told that this is a long time for recovery. Great just what I want to hear :-( I just want to see the light or at least some at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it is coming soon.
So, after I went to my physio on Monday she wrote me a note to explain to the doctor that some nerve meds might help calm down my poor leg. Go to the walk in clinic she tells me and give the my note. Seemed easy enough. Dropped my little one at school and arrive promptly at the opening of the clinic. Well I guess I was not prompt enought becuase I have about 6 people ahead of me. Did I mention yet that I have been going to this clinic for at least 13 years.? I am still waiting for them to paint it, and change the magazines in the waiting room etc and I am not sure if the fish tank has ever been cleaned.
In our world of the H1N1 crisis, do you think there was hand sanitizer anywhere to be seen? Nope NOTHING! It wasn't even in the patients room. I tell ya, I was getting grossed out by the minute. I refused to sit. I figure if I wasn't sick then, I was gonna get something after visiting this place. Did I mention that i am now sniffling??? Oh well, back to the visit. I wait 55mins to be seen and finally see the Doctor. Again, keep in mind, I have been coming to him for 13 years. So I told him my tale of woe and you think I was an addict asking for a fix. He did not even have the decency to read my note from my phsyio yet instead lectured me that they are trying to mask the problem with pills. can imagine what I am thinking as he goes off on this little tirade. I am now thinking how I have wasted all this time, in this gross environment. He writes me a prescription for T3's. I tell that I am tired of being in pain and the tears start arrive. I don't want a prescription for those (heck I already have them at home) so I take my note and hit the door. Walked out...and not looking back. I will not step foot in that place again and neither will my children.
So.. to continue on, I went to my GP this afternoon and got the nerve medicince and a different type of pain killer. A CT scan has been ordered and I am told that this is a long time for recovery. Great just what I want to hear :-( I just want to see the light or at least some at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it is coming soon.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Seems to be my first, middle and last name. Driving to work has become a problem. I can manage the first 20 mintues or so and after that the pain starts in and it is frankly unbelievable. I swear it is like a continual contraction in my calf. Oh well....hopefully between my physio and chiropractor they can find me some relief. They tell me it is not a bulging disk - thank you to my doctor who has no clue and problem is likely some type of nerve entrapment behind my knee which is causing me all this grief.
Between heat and ice packs, I am on a continual stream of pain killers and doing my best not to look loaded at work!! Ah..the joys of getting older.
Aside from this...all is well.
Between heat and ice packs, I am on a continual stream of pain killers and doing my best not to look loaded at work!! Ah..the joys of getting older.
Aside from this...all is well.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hmmm maybe not......
$4800 for spinal decompression....looks like I will be sticking to ice and pain killers till I heal up. :-(
Ugh....well I guess that's why private = expensive!
Ugh....well I guess that's why private = expensive!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Bulging Disk
L5 to be exact...this is my problem child, the source of my friggin' pain and numbness all summer. Now how to treat is the issue. I am thinking Spinal Decompression. Sounds worse than it is. So..this is my next focus. I can only imagine how much this is gonna cost. Hopefully medical will cover it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
And so it all begins..........

The first day back to school always marks the beginning the the busy season and oh, I should say expensive season. Clothes, shoes, athletic equipment, sign up fees, school fees, it is endless. I should just leave blank cheques everywhere I go! Well we are back at it. Skating x2 a week, soccer x 2 practices a week, soccer games - 1X each Saturday and Sunday, Guitar lessons on Thursday and I am sure I am forgetting something!
Oh long as they are enjoying it. Here is the first day of school photo on the lawn. Kaylin is under the weather and it was all I could do to get a shot. (we were late and I left it to the last minute :-( Poor one of her but look at my boy. He looks like he belongs in high school! He was so excited to wear his new clothes. Don't ask what happened to this new shirt. You can probably guess, it involves a dog and the result is a hole and He still wants to wear it. Boys! Sheesh!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
An Unexpected Surprise!
I got such a surprise today at work. A coworker of mine has a purse that I have literally drooled over for probably a year now. When she left our company to be a Stay At Home Mom, I remember thinking how I would miss her and her purse! Well she did not stay off long becuase before you know it she was back working part-time on a contract for us.
She is such a sweet person and has turned out to be such a good friend. She is one of these girls who would look great wearing a burlap bag and of course has the personality of a saint and did I mention she married a doctor? Not just any that specializes in elder care! See I told told you a saint!!!!
Well she surprised me today and calls me on the phone...said...have you gone to lunch yet? I said no..thinking she wanted to have lunch or something. She said I need to see you so I'll be right up. Figuring it was an employee issue...I waited for her to pop up. Well no employee issue...she surprised me with a purse just like hers!
I was stunned! She told me that she had her sister bring it from Hong Kong and now we are purse buddies! I could not believe it. You can tell I love this friggin' purse. Knock off and all!
It was just such a sweet and unexpected surprise. It just made my whole summer!

She is such a sweet person and has turned out to be such a good friend. She is one of these girls who would look great wearing a burlap bag and of course has the personality of a saint and did I mention she married a doctor? Not just any that specializes in elder care! See I told told you a saint!!!!
Well she surprised me today and calls me on the phone...said...have you gone to lunch yet? I said no..thinking she wanted to have lunch or something. She said I need to see you so I'll be right up. Figuring it was an employee issue...I waited for her to pop up. Well no employee issue...she surprised me with a purse just like hers!
I was stunned! She told me that she had her sister bring it from Hong Kong and now we are purse buddies! I could not believe it. You can tell I love this friggin' purse. Knock off and all!
It was just such a sweet and unexpected surprise. It just made my whole summer!

Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Annual HR Department BBQ
So Saturday (before the tooth pain hit!) was our department's annual BBQ. This year it was at Diane's (my most lovely boss) new cabin in Point Roberts, WA. So passports in hand..we all treked down with our families. The dogs, Munkey (the corgi) and Lucky of course were a huge hit with
my kids and all day I was subjected to questioning as to why I am depriving my kids of a dog. :-) It really was a fun day, with wonderful weather. Here are some photos!

Been blindsided by a Root Canal. Of course these things never give you any notice..they just appear! and....they only rear their ugly head over the weekend so no sleep no matter how many T-3's I took. Saw the dentist today and he has drained my tooth and put my on med's. Get this...can't have the actual root canal done until September 25th! Oh least it will be painless as he tells me the tooth is now dead. Yeah okay then what is the cracking sound I have in it right now??? Must be the nerves dying.... GROSS!!!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009

Back from vacation. Certainly not long enough but...well you have to return at some point. It was great seeing everyone and I am homesick. It passes like everytime I go home to visit.
The kids had a blast and the weather was good too. Here are some shots from the trip.
And the house....on the lake.....guess whose? Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. Pretty nice cottage and boat house hey?

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Dreaming of a cooler climate!

Packing tonight! Heading East where the temps are lower and much more bearable! Sorry to say won't be missing this heat.
I feel like there is a heater continually blowing hot air in my face! Yuck!!! I think I am gonna have to jump in the pool again just before bed to cool down.
Count'in down the days till New Moon. I think I will read the book again while I am away. :-) Ahh...... just look at him ------------->
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It is just too damn hot to type..... I am going to sit in the pool for the second time tonight. It literally feels like bath water.!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday Stuff

It is too smokin' hot out! Yikes...when will this heat wave end? I am patting my self on the back while saying thank you for purchasing that pool three summers ago. I was out in it at 10:00pm tonight and did it feel great. Ahhhhh the only thing missing was a nice pina colada to go along with it. Oh well..maybe tomorrow night.
Let's see what else is going on? Brayden has returned from a week away at camp looking taller and able to do a number of pushups?? Well they did say it was a Bootcamp theme! He now is on facebook and likes to email me. Oh how he is growing up!
Tomorrow I am back to physio. Got to get rid of this pain and numbness in the old sciatia. Was hoping it was all going to go away before my vacation but of course not! Oh well, stretches here I come! :-) That is it for today. Count down to vacation = 4 days!
Oh and just cuz it is hot out, here is a new photo of my husband! :-)

Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nothing new to report
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I have been watching Michael Jackson's funeral. Wow....this must have been what it was like for our parents when Elvis died. The icon of that era.
The world really did not know him except for all the weird and head shaking stuff that was reported by the media. But looking at those kids today and hearing his daughter speak was enough to make me cry. Those poor kids. Yes, what a life they have already lived. Servants, huge mansions, the travel, and really anything that money can buy. But, in the end, thier dad is gone and they are left behind missing him.
I can't imagine what his life really was like. Never having any privacy, hounded constantly by people always wanting something. Privacy the one thing that he could not ever buy..sad. We will never really know the truth about all those allegations. The ones that he was acquitted for but once labelled... people never forget.
Thanks for all the music Michael and giving everyone the chance to make memories with all of it. For me his moon walk stands out . My family would act crazy in our kitchen trying to re-create. Such silliness but what laughs we had.
The world really did not know him except for all the weird and head shaking stuff that was reported by the media. But looking at those kids today and hearing his daughter speak was enough to make me cry. Those poor kids. Yes, what a life they have already lived. Servants, huge mansions, the travel, and really anything that money can buy. But, in the end, thier dad is gone and they are left behind missing him.
I can't imagine what his life really was like. Never having any privacy, hounded constantly by people always wanting something. Privacy the one thing that he could not ever buy..sad. We will never really know the truth about all those allegations. The ones that he was acquitted for but once labelled... people never forget.
Thanks for all the music Michael and giving everyone the chance to make memories with all of it. For me his moon walk stands out . My family would act crazy in our kitchen trying to re-create. Such silliness but what laughs we had.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
oh and to the author who wrote Twilight.........

Thank You!
Loved the movie, read the book and now onto the second book (New Moon) which is causing me an extreme lack of sleep on my part but guess what? I DON'T CARE!!.... those words, the story lines haunt me. It is like you just can't get enough.
Ahhhhh sigh sigh sigh.... where is my Edward Cullen?

Loved the movie, read the book and now onto the second book (New Moon) which is causing me an extreme lack of sleep on my part but guess what? I DON'T CARE!!.... those words, the story lines haunt me. It is like you just can't get enough.
Ahhhhh sigh sigh sigh.... where is my Edward Cullen? much where to begin?

Yikes, long time no see. Been busy busy with kids and work. What else is new right?
Kaylin's baseball is going really well. She hit her first home run the other night so that was pretty thrilling for her. She passed her swimming level so off to a new level and is she excited about that. You see she is going to be a lifeguard for her summer job when she gets older. ( plans already!)
Last weekend Kaylin and I went to a Scrapbooking Class together...very exciting and they even entertained us with a visit from Mike's Critters. Yep...right up Kaylin's alley. She just loves that kind of stuff... me....not really. But, gotta suck it up for the girl. Check out the snake picture. There is just no way. I barely could get close enough to get the picture. It is a Rainbow Boa Constrictor by the way.
My brother came to town on Sunday night and has been with us for a bit but really on the road all around our lovely province. Unfortunately he heads home on Saturday so this really was not much of a visit but that is okay...I get about 10 days with him and his family this August so I can wait to really visit until then.
Work has been busy. We lost a couple of great coworkers to other endeavours in the last 10 days so I will really miss them. They made coming to work wonderful and full of a lot of laughter. Oh well...they made great choices for themselves but it is still hard to see them go.

Kaylin's baseball is going really well. She hit her first home run the other night so that was pretty thrilling for her. She passed her swimming level so off to a new level and is she excited about that. You see she is going to be a lifeguard for her summer job when she gets older. ( plans already!)
Last weekend Kaylin and I went to a Scrapbooking Class together...very exciting and they even entertained us with a visit from Mike's Critters. Yep...right up Kaylin's alley. She just loves that kind of stuff... me....not really. But, gotta suck it up for the girl. Check out the snake picture. There is just no way. I barely could get close enough to get the picture. It is a Rainbow Boa Constrictor by the way.
My brother came to town on Sunday night and has been with us for a bit but really on the road all around our lovely province. Unfortunately he heads home on Saturday so this really was not much of a visit but that is okay...I get about 10 days with him and his family this August so I can wait to really visit until then.
Work has been busy. We lost a couple of great coworkers to other endeavours in the last 10 days so I will really miss them. They made coming to work wonderful and full of a lot of laughter. Oh well...they made great choices for themselves but it is still hard to see them go.
Friday, April 10, 2009
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