So 2010 was quite a year.... I decided I wanted to do a recap. Partially to remind me what I did but really just to see all that happened cuz it really was a year. I am excited as we get going on 2011 because this year is going to be MY Year!
Here we go:
Had my first ever MRI - yes once will be enough if I am lucky.
Had my first ever Mamogram. Whooo whoo I'm in the club.
Retained a lawyer for the first time in my life.
Had to have a tooth pulled.
My dad had a stroke.
A coworker backed into the side of my car.
Had a second Mammogram the ultrasound type
Filed a legal separation.
Bought a townhouse = now I have a mortgage of my very own.
Got a new cat. My little Doo.
Lots and lots of house painting = I am now a pro.
Have a t.v in my room.
No more car loan = she is all mine now.
Saw my first ever Cirque de Soliei - WOW.
White Caps Games
Went to Lady Gaga concert -love her!!
Went to Seattle and Las Vegas for a holiday.
Went to Great Wolf Lodge in WA - FUN
Transfered littlest to another elementary school.
Struggles with the teen.
Got shingles, high blood pressure pills and anemia.
Fun scrapbooking weekend away in October.
Justin Beiber concert FREE and box seats. Yes, I know a major score!
Canucks Hockey Game.
My buddy got cancer :-(
Third Mamo of the year.
More layoffs to deal with at work :-(
Learned how to fix things a man normally does around the house.
Learned how to play Mario Brothers on the Wii - yes, really.
Got a PVR - how did I survive before??
Put up the outside Christmas Lights - all on my own.
Got a white christmas tree for my room.. just cuz I could.
Got rear-ended = car to the repair shop for the second time this year.
First Christmas morning in 13 years with no kiddies - it was actually okay.
I am sure there is more to add to the list but frankly this looks like enough. On to 2011!