Yesterday Brayden went to a friends house for a sleepover, movie and then swimming today. So given it was just the girls, Kaylin and I went to see the new Alvin and Chipmunks movie. It was cute and she liked it.
Today we did our weekly Michael's trip. My girl has turned crafty on me - suits me fine but boy is she crazy with the scissors! She cuts up everything and turns them into little tiny pieces of nothing but scraps left all over my house!!! Oh well. Could be worse I guess. Did I mention that we had to take her glue privledges away unless she is totally supervised by an adult? Don't even ask why! :-) Ahh to be 6 and carefree!!!!!!
The Valentine's stuff is now in full display there. Heck, New Year's hasn't even arrived and we are working on Valentine projects! Lots of cute things to make. Below is today's project that she created with only a little help at the end from me. Kept her busy and of course there is glitter and gems on it. That's my girl!

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