Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Why oh why is it just so hard to return to the normal routine after vacation?

Things are just not fair.

I want to know where my sleeping in if I felt like it, spraying on suntan lotion cause I needed it, screaming at the top of my lungs in my kids ears on rides at Disneyland days went!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It Really Is The Happiest Place on Earth!

We are back from sunny California!

So nice to feel the warmth and it was warm! We had a few days where it hit 100 degrees. No complaning here. Just many thanks that our hotel had a pool! The kids were totally suprised when we told them that we were off to Disneyland for a week. We even managed to drive down to San Diego and visit Sea World too. Our hotel (HoJo's) was great and a definite place to return to. We had a clear view of the nightly fireworks from our balcony so that was a definite plus. There was just so much to do. Glad to be back!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wakey Wakey

Look at my sweet unspecting sleepy babies.....they have no idea that in about 4 hours we will be waking them up and off we all go to Disneyland!

Some secrets are just so great keeping aren't they?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

2 Sleeps till we are hangin' with Mickey!

The kids have no idea! The luggage is packed and ready to go.

How excited do you think they will be when they realize where we are going to Disneyland and that they get to miss school for 5 days?