Thursday, March 25, 2010

Light? is and it is at the end of my tunnel! Don't need the sunglasses yet but I will.
Can I say about friggin' time?????

Monday, March 22, 2010

ugghhhh more school to be missed!

Can we just have a week where they both go to school for the full 5 days?  Poor Brayden is sick again.  I am hoping it does not develop into a chest infection. He sounds awful and with only 4 days to go till March break.  Good Times Again!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Movie Night

Funny! I think I was laughing harder then my kids

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Lots going on to report at a later date!

But happy to have tickets to:

Yippee!  My favourite artisit is coming back to town.  August 23!  I be there!  Can't wait.  Tickets were literally sold out in minutes. Heck..I might need a date for this? :-)

Today was also a very important day. I can finally discard my bootlegged copy of New Moon for the real thing!  Yep.....was off to Rogers Video bright and early to pick up my official copy of sigh sigh  New Moon. Already watched it tonight too!