Monday, May 26, 2008

What a Day!

Okay, as I tell this story, please keep in mind that I am working on probably only about 4 hours of non-interrupted sleep!

Here is my day..... woke up at 7:45am, with a major start because well frankly, I should have been up way earlier to get ready for the day. However, a certain child of mine decided last night not to go to sleep becuse he/she was scared for NO REASON. No amount of comforting was going to help the situation. Okay..enough on that subject...I will just get annoyed.

  • Off to work, thank goodness Clinton was late too so he helped get the kids off to school.
  • Get to a full day (well almost wink wink :-)
  • Leave work at 5:45pm to go over the Alex Fraser Bridge, find the Boys and Girls Club of Delta to register my lovely children in their summer camp programs.
  • Arrive at Club at 6:00pm to see a lovely long line and be issued a number.
  • I am number 41!
  • After standing in line for an hour and 10 mins...the lady at the Club says....number 1o?
  • Yep..see where I am going with this?
  • Well number 41 approaches the front desk and says so..I figure you are going thru approx 10 every hour. I have a meeting I am supposed to be at for 7:30pm. What time are you still registering to? They tell me 9:00pm. So, I say..see ya at 8:30pm.
  • Number 41, with no coat, tired tootsies, having to pee, and grumbling stomach leaves back to her car and off to see if she can make her stampin' meeting.
  • Arrive 10 mins earlier for to Starbucks ( a bright spot in this lovely long story) plus, they have a bathroom ;-)
  • Off to stampin meeting. I tell the host that I can only stay 45 mins. No problems she says..we are just waiting on two more people to show. Well they became no shows! Nice hey? How about calling and saying you aren't coming..or at least make up some dumb excuse...instead they don't do anything and there I am with the host looking at eachother. Oh well, we had some things to disucss but those other two are tacky in my opinion.
  • Leave stampin meeting..head to car to get back over in line up. Remember, I am number 41!
  • Arrive back at Club House, to see 2 other people. One with number 37 and the other one with number 42.
  • 42 looks at me and says..great she is going to bump me. I tell her you got that right sister! I am sick of waiting and I have had a long day so get behind me!
  • 41 finally gets called...oh wait the other lady..number 37 she was pregant and waited the whole almost 3 hours at this point. Poor thing..they did not even get her a chair!
  • Back to me now... so 41 finally gets called. I approach the desk and they say where is your know the stuff I had so much time to fill out earlier. I hand over my forms and they this is just the membership..the other forms. Well...number 41 is about to loose it and I say..I have no other paper work... needless to say...they quickly got the other paperwork I needed to fill out. Well another 10 mins later of filling out, name, address, father's name, mother's name, who does the child reside with questions...I approached the desk again.
  • Long story short....only 19 spots each week and my babies are in! They took 19th spot on a couple of the weeks but they are in! I won't even mention how much that cheque was but they are IN and they better love this place!!
  • I get back to my for the 45 mins trip home..feeling done tired. Drive home, pull into driveway and hear a more like a scrapping sound...slam on the brakes. Have I mentioned that I LOVE MY CAR? I am thinking good god, I have scraped up the side of my car. I get out and thank you lord I just sort of scraped a little on the very underneath side of the car from our curb on the driveway. Can't see a thing but put it this way my nerves what I had left are now gone.
  • I rush to the house to get a flashlight....just to confirm my thoughts..yes, no visable signs - my slient prayers were answered.

and that folks was my day! How was yours?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I haven't posted in a while but thought I would share this recent photo of Poppy Love Cat!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy 11th!

Ahhh where does the time go?

Monday, May 5, 2008

My New Toy!

Love this thing. I bought it last month and did not have time to take it out of the box and try it out till this weekend! It prints photos so quick and soooo clear. The best part is that is it so small and really takes up no room at all.
Whoo Hoo.... Love it. So much fun and the best part was that I paid for it using my points from all my employer christmas party shopping I had to do! Thank you MLC!!!

My Two Favourite Girls!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hmmmmmm I don't think so!

So I just got home from work, look out of Brayden's window and what do I see? The Love Cat on my precious car! All the while thinking to myself so cute she looks on it. My senses came back to me and NICE TRY! I may adore you but claw marks are not welcome on that car!!!