Monday, August 31, 2009

Dog Sitting - Corgi Style!

Say hello to Munkee, my co-workers little Corgi. He is a nice little fellow but put it this this house the Cat rules and poor little Munkee was not a welcome guest to the old Love Cat.

Kids had a blast and I think Munkee did too.

The office picnic

Office Work Picnic on Friday was fun, but I really thought we should have kids there considering the activities that were provided.... see below. The Caricuture Artist was the best part. I am also posting a picture he did of myself and my two HR co-workers.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Annual HR Department BBQ

So Saturday (before the tooth pain hit!) was our department's annual BBQ. This year it was at Diane's (my most lovely boss) new cabin in Point Roberts, WA. So passports in hand..we all treked down with our families. The dogs, Munkey (the corgi) and Lucky of course were a huge hit with my kids and all day I was subjected to questioning as to why I am depriving my kids of a dog. :-) It really was a fun day, with wonderful weather. Here are some photos!


Been blindsided by a Root Canal. Of course these things never give you any notice..they just appear! and....they only rear their ugly head over the weekend so no sleep no matter how many T-3's I took. Saw the dentist today and he has drained my tooth and put my on med's. Get this...can't have the actual root canal done until September 25th! Oh least it will be painless as he tells me the tooth is now dead. Yeah okay then what is the cracking sound I have in it right now??? Must be the nerves dying.... GROSS!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Nothing like ending a long week by going to your favourite store and of course a Pedicure!

Here are some of my favourite things - must haves which can be purchased at Sephora!!

Oh, and here is a recent photo of me and the Bro.


Back from vacation. Certainly not long enough but...well you have to return at some point. It was great seeing everyone and I am homesick. It passes like everytime I go home to visit.

The kids had a blast and the weather was good too. Here are some shots from the trip.
And the house....on the lake.....guess whose? Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. Pretty nice cottage and boat house hey?